Introductory  courses

Option 1 (1 day) focuses on direct work with children and is therefore suitable for staff such as nursery workers, youth workers, teachers and children’s centre workers. The course considers recognition and assessment of neglect, taking into account different stages of children and young people’s development and offering practitioners the opportunity to consider the impact of intervention and how to measure progress and changes in relation to individual  children.
Option 2 (1 day) is more suited to a multidisciplinary audience of staff working both with children and young people and with their parents, carers and extended families. It offers practitioners the opportunity to consider neglect from the domains of child developmental needs, parenting capacity and family and environmental factors.
Option 3 (2 days) gives practitioners the opportunity to cover some of the topics in more detail. It has a strong emphasis on environmental factors likely to increase children’s vulnerability to neglect and affect parenting capacity. You could use this model to support practitioners in assessing parental difficulties such as domestic abuse, mental health problems and parental substance misuse under the family and environmental factors domain.
Option 4 (2 days) covers all three domains of the Assessment Framework triangle. It is appropriate for practitioners who work predominantly with children and young people, covering in more depth aspects of child development, including brain development and attachment.