Focus on the child

These courses focus specifically on the impact of neglect on children and young people. All of them are suitable for multi-agency audiences of professionals involved in working with families where there are children.

The first two courses focus on neglect of young people, which is often overlooked or not always fully appreciated by professionals.

Focus on young people (1 day) is suited to professionals who work with parents and carers, focusing as it does on aspects of parenting and environmental factors likely to contribute to neglect. It also considers the important role schools play.

Neglect of young people (1 day) centres on understanding young people’s experiences of neglect and providing practitioners with tools to engage young people, assess their needs and give them a voice. It includes the use of the Resilience Matrix as a way of supporting agencies to enhance resilience in young people.

Working with neglect (1 day) can be used as a follow-up to one of the Introduction to neglect courses to enable practitioners to develop a broader overview of the impact of neglect on children of all ages. It supports practitioners in trying to focus on the experiences of individual children in the family, by seeking to hear their voices and explore their wishes and feelings. The course can be adapted specifically to address the needs of disabled and/or looked after children.